Become a Ham
"No Code Requirement! You can do this. Become an Amateur Radio Operator"
an amateur radio operator is fun. Anyone can do this. There are links
on this page to FREE study material. Pass a 35 question test and get
your Amateur Radio License! Join in the fun.
Hopkins County Amateur Radio Club
is referring anyone interested in testing to get there Amateur Radio
License to the
Rains Amateur
Radio Association
in Emory, Texas. Please visit there website at
for time, location and contact information of there next session.
Contact:Trent Pergrem K5VES at for scheduling.
Its Fun. The best way to get started is with some of the links below
ARRL website (American Radio Relay League) Hello Radio Page
ARRL License, Education, and Training
ARRL Getting your Technician Class License
ARRL full color U.S
Amateur Bands Chart can be downloaded free. Get one.
KB6NU has a free "No Nonsense" Technician Class Study Guide
On The same page you will also fine the "No Nonsense" study guides for
General and Amateur Extra class license. These "No Nonsense Study
Guides" go into more detail and explain the math needed to really
understand the how and why behind the questions on all 3 license
tests. The Technician and General Class "No Nonsense" guides are free.
The extra class does cost, but is well worth the investment. It is a
concise guide to learning the material needed to pass your exam.
Fred Benson, NC4FB
has the most up to date and extensive Free license study material I
have seen. Covering all FCC licenses that are available, his material
is first class, and Free!
NC4FB Technician Study
NC4FB Main
License Page has links for all his excellent study guides.
NC4FB has Technician, General And Extra Class Flash Cards available at
these download links...
Technician Class Flash Cards
General Class Flash Cards
Extra Class Flash Cards
These flash cards can be unzipped and put on your pc. Very nice. There
is also a kindle version available for purchase inexpensively that is
well worth the investment. If you have an iphone or android with a
kindle app, you can take the flash cards with you anywhere! Also free
are the desktop testing app for PC. NC4FB
site is up to date and a great help. Thanks Fred.
AA9WP is a great site
to take a practice test! AA9WP Practice Test Site
If you can consistantly make 84% at the AA9WP site, you're ready for
the real test!
Whatever you want, set your mind to it and follow through Now... See
you on the air!